Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Daily Kindle Bargains - Tarot Sour by Robert Zimmerman

Tarot Sour by Robert Zimmerman is available on Kindle for $3.82.


"Chiefly among his tenets is the proclamation that the universe, and to a smaller extent, the Earth itself, is the same as a living animal. And at the end of their lives, in the midst of their death throes, such animals will writhe and convulse, wildly, savagely, with the hopes of staving off death for just a bit longer. And, like an injured animal, this convulsing will lead to unpredictable behaviors. Time will begin to overlap with itself. Individuals and objects might exist as simultaneous duplicates of themselves at different ages. They might disappear altogether for a time before reappearing someplace else, if at all, and might appear as incomplete, fragmented partials of what they should be."

This is not a story of the end of the world, but rather a story of six individuals in a dying shanty townfor whom the world may as well already be over. When Elizabeth Hesse's husband and children go missing, a chain of events is set in motion that will lead the inhabitants of this town to consider the mistakes of their pasts and the destinies - relevant or not - their futures hold. An immortal woman who has lost all her reasons to live; a mother whose attempts to remain dutiful to her family chases her son into conscription for a confabulated war; a time-ravaged preacher whose last hope is that his greatest sins will become the source of the world's salvation; a fierce government industrialist who relies on the roll of a die to decide his every move; a cursed stranger who comes to town to reverse the orbit of the world and set things right again. Tarot Sour is a circular tale that revolves around itself in voice, in time, in place, and which will end itself exactly where it began.

About the Author:

Robert Zimmerman has a Master's degree in the Social Sciences from the University of Chicago and is currently working toward a doctoral degree in cognitive psychology from DePaul University. When not working or writing, he enjoys late-night runs along the lakeshore, photography, and seeking the hidden refuges of nature throughout a bustling city. He currently lives in Lincoln Park, Chicago, with his three dogs - Molly, Daisy, and Zypper.

Click here to download Tarot Sour (or a free sample) to your Kindle.

For the UK version, click here.